Virgin sex tape?

Do you really have to ask If this is a good idea?

Dear Eugene,
My fiance and I would like to record our wedding night since we’re both virgins. Is this OK? If we get divorced can he use it against me?

Don’t know much about biology…..

Dear Biology,

Are you crazy? Given that you both claim to be “virgins” I would wait till you had some more practice in before starting on a video, that is unless you plan on selling it to some fetish web site.

Seriously, how long could a tape of 2 virgins having sex be? Why would you want to document that? But if you still insist I would recommend doing a 3 or 4 camera shoot. That way you could edit all the footage together and make it seem like it lasted 3 to 4 times longer than it really did. You could even spice it up with some cheesy porno music to get the full effect.

If your really worried about getting divorced and you husband “using things against you” you might want to hold off till you have something really incriminating on him – just in case.

This is the digital world we live in, once something is created it NEVER goes away.
Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.


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